Friday 30 September 2011


I'm currently studying in Utar,still taking foundation course in science stream.What's my degree course? Well,life's full of uncertainty. I still dont have any specific idea about it yet, but i'll cross the bridge only when I comes to it.
I'm just a very ordinary girl,with nothing special to be brag about.Just like other university student, my daily routine is the same: study,class, hang-outs with friends ,sports and etc.So,what's the reason for me to set this blog up? I'm going to jot down every special,memorable and precious moments of my university life at here, to remind me of the blissful and sweet life i had had.For me, this blog is a diary full of happiness and smile and also happy tears.
My university life had already started for 4months already.However, as the saying goes,' it's never to late to start'. Yupe,it's never to late to start to do something you have never done. So,i'll end the intro chapter now,as i can't wait to start the first chapter of my diary^^